Tuesday, 16 March 2010

E-Mails: Street Intrigue And Mayhem - Then And Now...

Mike has written to ask if I have a piccy of Doris Speed after she left The Street. Here she is in 1988, Mike!

Rachel writes:

I've been tracing Street history and I wonder if you can explain why there has been an upsurge in violence, intrigue and outlandish stories from the mid 90's onwards to the present day?

Hmmm... perhaps it's down to there being more episodes and/or changing tastes in soap, Rachel? I'm not very well qualified to answer or comment.

If anybody can help Rachel, please drop me a line!


greg said...

Doris aged great. I have pic if her from 1993 somewhere

Maria said...

The reason that Corrie is more outlandish and violent now is because the audience is braindead and craves blood.

Anonymous said...

It would be hard to imagine Mad Maya blowing up the Corner Shop when Alf and Audrey had it!