Sunday 9 November 2008

1984: Curly Fizzles Out

From the TVTIMES Soaps Page by Alan Kennaugh, 3-9 November 1984:

To be perfectly honest, 'fireworks' is not a word you would normally associate with Curly Watts of Coronation Street. He's a nice enough lad, but he lacks real fizz and sparkle.

This week though it's time for the Bonfire Night celebrations, and Curly (played by Kevin Kennedy) is getting poetic about fireworks and telling his mates in the Rovers all about Guy Fawkes. He's stumped, however, when someone asks why we burn effigies of Guy.

In fact, Guy was said to have planned to blow up Parliament on 5 November 1605. He was arrested twenty-four hours earlier and executed two months later. We've been burning his effigy ever since.

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