Friday 26 December 2008

1979: The Horrors Of Jogging...

In the 1970s, Ken Barlow (William Roache), in his role of Community Development Officer at the Coronation Street Community Centre, spent a great deal of time doing his utmost for the good of the local community. He worried about the increasing levels of juvenile delinquency, and the plight of the "latch key children". He nagged local councillors like Alf Roberts (Bryan Mosley) for more funding (not forthcoming) and was generally a great person to have around.

In 1979, Ken latched on to what was a tremendous craze of the late 1970s and early 1980s - jogging. He arranged a group jogging session with several of the Rovers regulars. But, sadly, Mavis Riley (Thelma Barlow) was the only person who turned up. The others sought exercise by supporting the Rovers bar - as per usual!

Pursued by two interested youths on bikes, Ken and Mavis set off...

... Mavis chattered away happily as they jogged along, thoroughly enjoying the experience...

... but they had only reached Weatherfield gas works when Ken began to flag...

... and had to stop.

Albert Tatlock (Jack Howarth) lambasted the Rovers regulars who had promised to join the jogging session for letting Ken down. And Ken faced the sobering fact that he was unfit. Very unfit.

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