Saturday 7 February 2009

1985: The Brazen Hussy!

"Who is best Coronation Street Lover Boy" - Nigel Pivaro (Terry Duckworth) or Christopher Quinten (Brian Tilsley)? - asked the Sun in January 1985.

And somebody who er... knew both the chaps well gave her informed opinion!

So, we here at "Back On The Street" climbed in our Tardis, set the coordinates, whipped through the Time Tunnel, and asked a typical 1980s Weatherfield person who she thought the wicked bean-spiller, the naughty teller of bedtime tales was:

"Flippin' 'eck - it'll be that Dulcie Froggatt, that's who it'll be. Ooh, this neighbourhood's gone right downhill. Now, I'm not one to gossip, you can ask anyone, ask Ida Clough, she'll tell yer, but I don't 'old with this sort o' thing.

"Talkin' o' Dulcie Froggatt, I were on me way up Back Gas Street last Friday when me flamin' 'eel came off right outside Maggie Gartside's..."

And so on. And on. And on.

Actually, It wasn't Dulcie Froggatt who had been passing judgement, but a young page three pin-up who had enjoyed the... er... company of both Terry and Brian. Er, Nigel and Chris, I mean. Sorry.

So, who did she deem the best in the... er... romance department? Well, chuck, I'd tell ya, but as we're now living in the sophisticated 21st Century and not the tawdry 1980s, I'm sure you wouldn't be interested.

And anyway - we don't hold with gossip round here!

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