Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Speak Easy

Here at Back On The Street I like to encourage a relaxed atmosphere. I welcome all e-mails on topics relevant (pertaining to the first three decades of The Street). Sometimes I receive e-mails on topics irrelevant, like the one featured below, but I still welcome them because I'm such a nice, easy-going person...

"Disgruntled Scot" writes:

I suppose the "British" Soap Awards will only feature English soaps this year, as per usual? What about the Scots soap "River City" - and I'm sure the Welsh have their own soap too. It's pure English arrogance to hi-jack Britishness for English glory! Also, Ireland is featured on the Awards logo - but that is not part of Britain. Northern Ireland is part of the UK, but not Britain, and Southern Ireland is independent.

I say:

Oooh, 'eck! Well, I don't watch modern day soaps, let alone the Soap Awards, so I suggest you write to the people behind the Awards. I don't think any sleight is intended. People often say "British" when they mean "English" and vice-versa. Since devolution to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, this has become more of an issue. You make some interesting points, but there's not a lot I can say or do!

Kare asks:

I'd love to see some stuff about Gloria Todd, Rovers barmaid in the '80s.

And so you shall, Kare - we'll be delving into the life and times of Ms Todd soon.

Alan is on the Sandra Gough trail:

Loved her in The Street and Emmerdale. Didn't she play two roles in the latter?

Yes, she did, Alan - she was Malt Shovel barmaid Doreen in Emmerdale Farm in the mid-1980s and Nellie Dingle in Emmerdale during the 1990s.

And, finally for this batch, Lyndsey asks:

I seem to recall Corrie episodes when Ena had a head injury and was featured unconscious in hospital scenes - but with her hairnet still on! Did I dream this - because it seems ridiculous!

No, you didn't dream it, Lyndsey - the scenes were from 1977, when Ena fell over one of little Tracy Langton's toys and ended up in a coma. The hairnet stayed on throughout her hospital stay. It was a bit daft - but the net was such an Ena trademark that I suppose the production team decided it must remain - and hang realism! It reminds me of Kenneth Cope, Jed Stone, who insisted on keeping his character's flat cap on for a scene featuring Jed in bed in the 1960s (nothing saucy, I can assure you!).

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