Sunday, 26 July 2009

Suzie Birchall - Screen Capture Request

Mike has written to ask for a screen capture of the lovely Suzie Birchall (Cheryl Murray). Certainly, Mike - here she is in 1979. Suzie was a great favourite of mine - a cynical '70s teen, very much of the times, but not a bad lass underneath it all.

However, by Street teen standards, she was pretty naughty and was known in my neighbourhood as Suzie Bitch-all!

Her attempt to bed Gail's Brian on her return in the early 1980s confirmed the appropriateness of the nickname.

But what a great character!

We'll be featuring some material about Suzie and her final departure from the Street soon.


  1. AnonymousJuly 26, 2009

    I LOVED Suzie! She gave the Street a bit of oomph.

  2. Me too, she was one of my favourite characters and a great little actress. Well done Cheryl. I do hope to see you on the screen again one day. Not sure why you ever left it. You had plenty of passion and plenty to give. I hope you are happy,
