Thursday, 24 December 2009

Merry Christmas!

Wishing all readers who are celebrating a very merry Christmas indeed! The illustration above was featured on The Street's 21st anniversary/1981 Christmas card - "21st anniversary greetings" was printed inside the card.

A quick scramble through my newspaper collection brings us back to 1981 again. Daily Mirror TV reviewer Hilary Kingsley makes a heartfelt plea to Corrie scriptwriters after an ear-shattering carol duet from Hilda Ogden (Jean Alexander) and Eddie Yeats (Geoffrey Hughes).

I've had a couple of queries here - why are posts so irregular? Sorry! My main blog occupation is '80s Actual so posts here are as and when.

That's not to say that ancient Corrie isn't very close to my heart - it most certainly is!

All the best, folks!



  1. Thanks for posting these old newspaper clippings, Corrie was such a wonderful show back then! It's still got some good moments now but those years were their peak.

  2. Wishing you all the best for this festive season and the new year.
