Friday, 17 September 2010

Brian Park And Wikipedia On Kevin And Sally Webster

"Eee, Kev - beans on toast for tea."

Cerys has written, questioning a statement made in Wikipedia about a "lack of story-lines" for Kevin and Sally Webster (Michael Le Vell and Sally Dynevor) in their early years on the show, and a statement from ex-Corrie producer Brian Park made some years ago:

"Kevin and Sally Webster had years of washing their hands and eating baked beans on toast. Michael Le Vell and Sally Whittaker were then given great story-lines, including his affair with Natalie, Sally's catfight with her when she found out and the subsequent divorce."

Were Kevin and Sally featured in many story-lines in the 1980s?

asks Cerys.

Well, Cerys, I'm currently watching episodes from 1987 and they're choc-a-bloc full of Kevin and Sally. Sally has begun work at the Corner Shop, the pair have moved into the shop flat, and Sally is trying to get Kevin to buy Tilsley's garage.

No shortage of story-lines - although the nature of the story-lines changed in the 1990s and 2000s to become more sensationalised, as with other UK soaps.

In the 1980s, UK soaps became grittier and more topical.

Having done "grit" and "topical" issues, soaps then became more sensationalised during the last two decades.

Yes, Kevin and Sally led quieter lives in the 1980s.

They did wash their hands and eat baked beans on toast.

But there was certainly no lack of story-lines for the couple.

As for Wikipedia... large pinch of salt required.

1 comment:

  1. To a modern day soap-watching moron it would seem like there were a lack of stories for Kev and Sal. If it ain't pure misery or horror, forget it! Everyday life? Happiness? Stuff that!
