Wednesday 22 September 2010

The Truth About Betty's Hotpot...

Lovely Betty Williams (Betty Driver) - whose hotpot became an everyday fact of life on the menu at The Rovers Return in the 1980s.

Eee, Betty Turpin/Williams' hotpot. It's been a regular on the Rovers menu since Adam were a lad...

Oh, really?

Whilst it seems that a version of Betty's hotpot was first served at The Rovers over thirty-five years ago, studying hundreds of consecutive Corrie episodes from the mid-to-late 1970s and early 1980s, the hotpot was not a regular on the pub's menu - and indeed was a great rarity. The regular hot food at The Rovers in those days consisted of pies, pies, pies and more pies.

It was revealed in the early 1980s that Annie Walker always stocked Mertog's pies, apart from a brief break in 1978 when she bought them from Joe Dawson.

Watching the episodes, it is plain that Betty's hotpot became a Rovers menu regular during the great food menu expansion at the pub in the 1980s.

Funny, in't it - how reality differs from myth, chuck?

News of Betty's hotpot from the Coronation Street Blog here.

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