Monday, 1 November 2010

Alan Bradley - The Cold, Dark Centre...

We've been watching episodes of Corrie from 1987 and 1988 and we must say we're bowled over by Mark Eden's performance as Alan Bradley. On the surface, Alan seemed like your average everyday bloke - a bit of a hot temper, but OK.

But there was a cold, dark void where Mr Bradley's heart should have been.

We found ourselves shuddering, watching him gently manipulating Rita into helping him financially with his plan to buy Brian Tilsley's garage in 1987, and his affair with Mrs Burns in 1988, resulting in his walking out on Rita and his daughter, Jenny.

He only returned to No 7 when finance for his business venture was not forthcoming from the bank, and then he put a new plan into action...

This was a slow build-up story-line, echoing real life. It lacked the occasional pantomime feel and outlandishness of the "Killer Corrie" Richard Hillman era. Corrie was more rooted in reality back then.

Alan Bradley was simply frightening.

He had his own logic.

And, at the end of the day, no heart at all.

Mark Eden's life story - Who's Going To Look At You? - is published today and we'll certainly be having a read. Insights into the life of the actor who brought Mr Bradley to life should be absolutely fascinating!

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