Monday, 20 December 2010

Hilda Ogden And Eddie Yeats - Painful Carols In 1981...

Much-loved Hilda Ogden (Jean Alexander) had TV reviewer Hilary Kingsley pleading for mercy in December 1981:

I know Jean Alexander's Hilda Ogden is one of TV's great institutions. But please, Coronation Street scriptwriters, don't let her sing. My eardrums are only just recovering from her carol duet with Eddie on Wednesday.

Personally, we thought it were lovely, chuck.


  1. The episode where Eddie finds an accordion and Hilda starts singing was hilarious Elsie rushes in and tells them to belt up she cant stand noise coming through wall and Hilda tells her she must have hangover again and to stop drinking so much.

  2. Episode where Eddie Yates found an accordion and Hilda was singing along to it,Elsie came running in as she could here them through wall saying it was driving her mad and Hilda told her not to drink so much if she was hungover so much hilarious.
