How did Rita get on with the Duckworths? She must have been so disappointed when they moved in next door to her posh new house at number 7!
I think a groan ran through the entire street when Jack and Vera Duckworth (Bill Tarmey and Liz Dawn) moved into No 9 in 1983, Florin.
They weren't anybody's idea of ideal neighbours.
Add to them shifty Terry (Nigel Pivaro), and you can appreciate that nobody was welcoming the Duckworths with open arms - apart from us viewers!
But Rita (Barbara Knox) seemed to get on with them fine, considering they were living in such close proximity. Well, as you can see above, she got on with them fine most of the time!
Reportedly (I no longer watch) Vera came back to lead Jack to heaven. Thanks to Producer Phil Collinson, the Street is now a pathetic pantomime - with added blood lust.
It's an insult to the memory of fine producers like Bill Podmore and HV Kershaw.
unfair to criticise it, if you didn't watch it surely? It was superb....critics and viewers appear to agree. An extremely unusual scene....but classic Corrie nonetheless
No it wasn't a pantomine Anonymous. It was a very well done scene, and you should've watched it. It's up there with Hilda crying over Stan I feel.
When Hilda was crying over Stan, the programme relied on good acting and down to earth reality. Not cheap gimmicks and fantasy land.
And next mnonth we get an explosion, a tram crash, and attempted murder with a hammer. From fairyland to horror flick.
Hey, come on now - this blog is about Corrie in the first three decades - not today. Plenty of places to discuss this kind of thing elsewhere.
So when a future Corrie book comes out, listing all the events of each year, 2010 will contain "Jack died. Vera came and danced with him and took him to Heaven"? Even Crossroads never resorted to such garbage!
Enough! PLEASE. The Corrie content of this blog ranges from 9 December 1960 to 31 December 1989 (inclusive) and we're happy to discuss anything within that time frame, but please take other thoughts and queries to more relevant locations.
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