Victor was a man of words. A man of action. A man of nature. A man of pottery. A man of... ooh, all sorts of things!
He was a breath of fresh air when he blew into Mavis' life in 1982... so different from dithering Derek Wilton.
Victor's attitude was so unconventional. So poetic. So literary. So craft-loving. So Stan Ogden.
So Stan Ogden?!!! you cry.
Why yes, I reply - at least according to "The Oggies" in 1983...

Victor Pendlebury, rapidly rising rival to Stan Ogden as the male chauvinist pig of Coronation Street, must not be allowed to leave the show.
None other than the Oggies - the Stan Ogden Appreciation Society - say so.
They reckon Victor could become "the thinking man's big O" and have asked the producers to let him stay.
Leader Barry Trelawney said: "His disgraceful treatment of Mavis is superb - we knew he was a kindred spirit when he asked her to live with him at weekends only. He reminds us of Stan in his prime when he gave Hilda a dog's life. And when he demolished a bottle of sherry solo we knew he had Stan's hollow legs, too."
A Street spokesman sent a message of hope:
"Victor is slinking off alone - but we're sure we haven't seen the last of him."
My wife was very fond of Victor.
But then she has excellent taste in men!
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